Epson SureColor SC-F2200 DTG/DTF Tulostin

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Epson SureColor SC-F2200 DTG/DTF Tulostin
14 pv
Mustekonfiguraatio: CMYK + Valkoinen
Mustekonfiguraatio: CMYK
Primeri 20 L tiiviste tarvitaan mustiin paitoihin (sekoitussuhde 2:1 tai 3:1), C13T73610
+532,90 €
Sleeve Platen, C12C933971
+284,00 €
Aluslevy Polo Platen, C12C933961
Aluslevy Polo Platen, C12C933961
+399,00 €
Aluslevy, Extra Small Platen, C12C933951
Aluslevy, Extra Small Platen, C12C933951
+284,00 €
Aluslevy Pieni 254x305mm, C12C933941
+284,00 €
Aluslevy MEDIUM, C12C933931
+326,00 €
Aluslevy ISO 406x508mm, C12C933921
+399,00 €
Takuu On-Site 12kk
Takuu On-Site 3 vuotta, takuu sis. tulostuspään
+2 470,00 €
Takuu On-Site 4 vuotta, takuu sis. tulostuspään
+3 761,90 €
Takuu On-Site 5 vuotta, takuu sis. tulostuspään
+6 973,90 €
12 990,00 €
ALV 0,00 %

SureColor SC-F2200 DTG/DTF tulostimella voidaan tulostaa laadukkaita värikuvia suoraan kankaisiin, esimerkiksi T-paitoihin, collegepuseroihin, poolopaitoihin ja kangaskasseihin tai kalvolle jonka jälkeen kuvat pulveroidaan ja voidaan siirtää lämmö avulla tekstiileihin. Käyttäjät voivat luoda Epsonin päivitetyllä Garment Creator 2-ohjelmistolla tulosteita niin DTG kuin DTF tulostukseen vaivattomasti.

SC-F2200 on tarkoitettu pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille, jotka haluavat lisätä tekstiilitulostuksen palveluvalikoimaansa. Käyttäjiä voivat olla esimerkiksi kuvallisten t-paitojen valmistajat, t-paitojen jälleenmyyjät, eri kokoiset painotalot sekä yritykset, jotka haluavat itse brändätä työvaatteensa tai mainoslahjansa.

Uusi SC-F2200 on kokonaisratkaisu, joka sisältää tulostimen, upouuden Precision Core tulostuspään, musteet, ohjelmiston ja takuun. Näin käyttäjät voivat luottaa siihen, että kaikki osat on suunniteltu toimimaan optimaalisesti yhdessä ja myös testattu kattavasti. Tulostin on edeltäjiänsä 25% nopeampi. Siihen on lisätty nopeita tulostustiloja, ja laitteen musteenkiertoa on parannettu niin, että käynnistyminen on entistä nopeampaa. Edelleen kehitetty tulostustekniikka taas tuottaa selkeämmät kuvat ja kykenee laajempaan värintoistoalueeseen kuin aiemmat mallit. Kiitos uuden tulostuspään ja automaattisen tulostuspöydän korkeuden optimoinnin, tulosteet ovat nyt entistäkin skarpimpia. 4 tuuman kosketusnäyttö avaa pääsyn helposti eri valikoihin ja laitteen operointinapit on siirretty lähemmäs tulostuspöytää tuotannon nopeuttamiseksi. Uusi muotoilu ja uudet mustepussit mustekasettien sijaan ajavat Epsonin ympäristöystävällisempää linjaa. Uudet UltraChrome DG2 musteet tuottavat entistäkin kirkkaaman väriavaruuden ja pidemmän pesunkeston.

Max print area406 x 508 mm (using optional large platen)
Form factorDesktop
PrintheadPrecisionCore® MicroTFP
Print modesUni and bi-directional
Configuration400 nozzles x 8 lines
Max resolution1200 x 1200 dpi
Minimum ink droplet size12.8 pl
FeaturesFan-less enclosure
Auto head wiping
Auto fine height adjustment
Easier macro height adjustment
Self-washing capping system
Variable Sized Droplet Technology
Ink familyEpson Ultrachrome® DG2
Ink technologyDirect-to-garment (with direct-to-film support)
Ink formulationAll-pigment
LoadingPouch based
Capacity6 x 800 ml ink
1 x 800 ml maintenance liquid
Configuration optionsStandard 5-colour: CYMKWW + Ml auto white ink recirculation
Optional 4-colour: CCYMMK + Ml
Standard configurationFast: 28 s (colour only), 52 s (white only), 89 s (white + colour)
Production: 43 s (colour only), 86 s (white only), 142 s (white + colour)
Quality: 128 s (colour only), 213 s (white only), 321 s (white + colour)
Optional 4-colour configurationHigh speed: 17 s
Production: 28 s
High quality: 105 s
Figures are print speed only for 346 x 408 mm image output using Epson Garment Creator 2. The printer supports a range of modes to suit different workflow, application, and quality requirements (a limited selection of these are documented above). Customers are recommended to check with their dealer on which mode is appropriate to their individual need and the consequential speed that may be achievable. It should be noted that actual print times will vary depending on a range of variables including the printer configuration, image size and type, print mode, software selection, PC specification, and networking configuration. It should be further noted that for direct-to-garment operation additional time will be required for pre-treatment, loading, flattening, unloading and fixing while direct-to-film operation will require time for powder application, liquefaction and transfer.
Direct-to-garmentUntreated moderate to loose weave fabric
Optimal results with material containing 50% or more cotton
Can also be used with selected polyester material (requires polyester pre-treat with customers recommended to test fabric before commencing production)
Direct-to-filmCan be used with a range of third-party film and powder types
Results vary by brand (test before commencing production)
Max thickness & weight27 mm, 1.5 kg per item
Max print areaLarge platen: 406 x 508 mm
Standard & medium grooved platen: 356 x 406 mm
Small platen: 254 x 305 mm
Extra small platen: 178 x 203 mm
Sleeve platen: 102 x 102 mm
Control panel4.3" colour LCD with touch control
InterfaceRear high-speed USB 2.0 & Ethernet 1000Base-T
Front panel USB for file storage & uploading (<2 TB, FAT32 format)
Memory1 GB
SoftwareWeb download : Communications Driver, Installer Package, Web Installer*, Manual Package*, Software Updater*, Firmware Updater*, EpsonNet Setup, EpsonNet Config & EpsonNet Print. Epson Garment Creator 2* and Photoshop Plugin, Epson Edge Dashboard (DTG Edition)*, Epson LFP Accounting Tool
Online: Epson Cloud Solution PORT (ECSP)*
*Windows & Mac compatible. All other applications are Windows only except for ECSP which can be accessed via a standard web browser or dedicated Android/Mac app.
Operational temperature10° to 35°
Operational humidity20 to 80% with no condensation
Power supply110 - 240 V, 50 Hz - 60 Hz AC, 3.4-1.6 A
Recommended install spaceTBC
Power consumption46 W operating, 30 W ready, 7 W sleep
Operating noise37 dB
Dimensions & weight981 W x 499 H x 1361 mm D, 95 kg (medium platen, no ink)
Packaging1434 W x 897 H x 1209 mm D, 143 kg (main unit)
Printer, power cord, waste ink bottle, 1 x 5-colour ink set (4.8 litres total), 20 litres cotton pre-treat, 1 x maintenance liquid, 1 x medium platen, 1 x grip pad, 1 x garment flattening tool, 1 x head cleaning kit, 1 x maintenance kit, 1 x ink initialisation/charging unit, set-up guide.
NOTE: The printer is shipped as standard for 5-colour operation but can alternatively be configured for high-speed 4-colour. This must be done during initial set-up and once determined, cannot be changed. Customers interested in this configuration are recommended to speak with Epson &/or their dealer prior to purchase.
A personal computer will be required for installation and operation of this printing system. When using the USB Direct Print function files must be processed through Garment Creator first.

Garment Creator 2 requires a PC or Mac with a processor that has power equivalent or better than an Intel Core i7 8th generation, at least 2 GB memory (16 GB recommended), 32 GB or more storage (SSD recommended), Win 8.1 64bit / Mac OS 10.12 or higher and a monitor with at least 1024 x 768 resolution.

A third-party heat press with adjustable temperature, pressure and timer will generally be required. Presses can be sourced from a number of suppliers in various sizes and formats. Contact your dealer for details.

DTG operation generally requires fabric to be pre-treated. Some garment suppliers provide stock pre-treated. If using untreated stock, it will need to be processed; this can be done manually (roller or spray application) however a pre-treatment machine is recommended for optimum results.

Direct-to-film (DTF) operation will require additional 3rd party film and powder. For optimum results an oven is also recommended. Powder application must be done away from the printer. Different films and powders behave differently with customers recommended to consult with their dealer for advice on brand selection, print and process settings
SCF2260D1YPrinter with 1 year on-site warranty
SCF2260D3YPrinter with 1 year warranty + 2 years CoverPlus** (3 years total cover)
SCF2260D5YPrinter with 1 year warranty + 4 years CoverPlus** (5 years total cover)
**See notes below regarding CoverPlus
C12C938911Large platen
C12C938931Standard platen (1 supplied with each printer)
C12C938991Grooved platen (for shirts with buttons or a zipper)
C12C938951Small platen
C12C938971Extra small platen
C12C939011Sleeve platen
C12C934151Grip pad tool (1 supplied with each printer)
After-sales support is coordinated via Epson's authorised dealer network. In the situation where a hardware repair is required this will be organised by your dealer and provided by Epson free on-site within metro locations (regional locations will attract additional charges).

A comprehensive 1 year warranty provides cover on all non-consumable parts (including the printhead) up to their maximum rated life. It is provided conditional on the use of correct and genuine Epson ink, appropriate cleaning and maintenance (per the user guide and as advised by Epson from time to time), following of the documented run-down process should a printer not be used for an extended period, regular cartridge agitation and timely consumption, operation with correct platen height setting, garment preparation, pre-treatment and flattening. For full details on conditions and terms, please refer to warranty section of this website.

Cover can be extended up to a maximum of 5 years on-site through purchase of optional CoverPlus. CoverPlus adds additional premium service response and cover for parts which reach end of life during the coverage period as well as the initial 1 year warranty. CoverPlus can be purchased with the printer or up to a maximum of 365 days after. Service is provided conditional on activation of Epson Cloud Solution PORT , registration of the printer and maintenance of the printer connection.


Usage Conditions
Epson products are designed to give highly reliable use and long life when used according to specifications. With any product or device used in situations where human life may be involved or at risk, Epson advises that you should take all necessary steps to ensure the suitability of your Epson product for inclusion in your system, and recommends that you include fail-safe procedures and redundancy support or backup equipment in your system, to maintain the maximum safety margin and optimum system reliability. Examples include but are not limited to – do not interfere with any electrical components within the device,do not use items supplied with the product for purposes other than as intended by Epson (ie mains cords, inks, CDs, plastic wrapping), do not make modifications to the product, take care with the use of 3rd party consumables, consult Epson if you have any questions or concerns.


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