FesCut FiberPlus A4

Etusivu > TARRAMATERIAALIT > Lämpösiirtokalvot, leikattavat > Stahls' SubliFlock White

FesCut FiberPlus A4
FesCut FiberPlus A4
FesCut FiberPlus A4
Toimitusaika alk.
14-21 pv
Toimituskulut alk.
3,15 €
50 A4-arkin laatikko
105,00 €

Sublimiotava flock-materiaali.

Tämän materiaalin avulla tuotatte todella kirkkaat ja voimakkaat väri joihin Eco-Sol-tulostimet eivät pysty. Materiaali on nukkapintainen ja mukavan tuntuinen.

A4-arkit voi tilata joko viiden arkin seteissä tai 50 arkin laatikoissa.

FesCut FiberPlus on sublimaatiotulostukseen kehitettylämpösiirrettävä Flok-materiaali joka on valmistettu vartavasten kehitetystä polyesterimikrokuidusta ja 100% polyuretaanista. FesCut FiberPlus:lla on erinomaiset pesunkestoominaisuudet, kuten lämmönkesto jopa 60 °C:ssa. Lisäksi materiaali on erittäin kevyttä, venyvää ja toistaa värit todella kirkkaina.

PAINOnoin 190 g / m2 ilman taustapaperia
MATERIAALIPU / Erikois-PE-mikrokuitu
RULLAKOKO0,50 m x 10 m
KIINNITYSKiinnityslämpötila 160 °C - 170 °C, 15 - 17 sekuntia. 

Paine, matala / keskitaso
Puuvilla, Polyesteri/Puuvilla, Polyesteri

Application Instructions

Store in a cool and dry place; protect against the influence of light when stored. We recommend not to exceed a storage period of 36 months. The technical specifications rest on extensive tests and technical research. Due to the variety of possible influences during refinement, and use, the specifications should be viewed as reference values. We recommend a suitability test on the original material. A legally binding warranty of specific characteristics cannot be derived from our specifications.

FiberPlus– Heat sealable Polyester flock film for sublimation printing FiberPlus is a flock film with polyester flock which can be printed with sublimation inks. Because of its unique microfiber flock its surface is especially comfortable and soiling in the washing machine from foreign fibers is virtually excluded. Furthermore, it has a high elasticity, and excellent touch. Even large designs can be applied without loss of wearing comfort.

FiberPlus is printed in the transfer printing process. The mirrored image is printed on suitable paper and transferred onto FiberPlus at 190 - 210 °C for 40 - 30 seconds at low pressure. Then, the designs are cut on a plotter with registration marks recognition. The designs are applied at 160 - 170 °C for 17 - 15 sec. at low to medium pressure. FiberPlus is suitable for cotton, polyester, and blended fabric. It is not suitable for nylon and other coated textiles. It is wash resistant up to 60 °C. Cardboard boxes with 50 sheets A4, 50 sheets A3, rolls with 0.5m x 10m and 1m x 30 m are available. Additional packaging upon request. 


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