LMM6018/50 Laser transfer tape

Etusivu > LASERMATERIAALIT > Lasertahnat CO2 ja YAG -lasereille.

LMM6018/50 Laser transfer tape
Toimitusaika alk.
2-21 pv
Toimituskulut alk.
249,00 €
ALV 0,00 %

Rullan leveys: 50 mm
Rullan pituus: 15 m
Polttojälki: Musta

Suositeltavat materiaalit: ruostumaton teräs, messinki, titaani, anodisoitu alumiini, alumiini, tina sekä kullalla, kromilla tai nikkelillä päällystetty metalli

Lisätietoja: http://www.thermark.com/content/view/38/78/

LMM6018.LF is a self-adhesive, paper-backed tape designed with similar pigments and formula as our liquid LMM products. It works well on most metal surfaces, offering a dry processing alternative to those not interested in or unable to work with wet products. It is also easier to use: the tape delivery system insures that a consistent layer of marking material is present on the substrate, entirely removing the variables of dilution and coat thickness.

Additionally, LMM6018.LF is a recommended product for marking on clear or colored anodized metal. LMM6018.LF’s unique capability of marking on top of an anodized layer, rather than through it, is a major step forward in marking anodized surfaces.

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